Welcome to the Kings River Water Quality Coalition (KRWQC)!
On September 19, 2013, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) approved the Waste Discharge Requirements General Order (General Order) for growers within the Tulare Lake Basin Area. The General Order addresses the discharge of waste from irrigated lands into both surface and ground water. To adhere to the regulations, owners and operators of irrigated cropland in the Central Valley faced the obligation of either securing an individual permit for each farming operation from the Regional Board or joining a group that represents farmers across a specific geographic region, commonly referred to as a water quality coalition.
On November 20, 2013, the Kings River Water Quality Coalition (KRWQC or Coalition) was approved to serve as a third-party representing members in the Kings River Watershed. The KRWQC is a joint powers agency established by the irrigation districts in the Kings River service area and governed by a board of directors comprised of landowners from each district. It is important to note that the Coalition does not function as a regulatory or enforcement agency; rather, it serves as an intermediary or representative for its members.
The Coalition provides growers with regional and cost-effective ways to comply with the Waste Discharge Requirements stipulated by the Regional Board. As a representative for its members, the KRWQC is responsible for monitoring, technical reports, management practices evaluation, trend analysis, member reporting, and assistance with on-farm inspections. KRWQC also conducts monthly surface water monitoring, annual groundwater monitoring, outreach and education, member reporting, compliance activities, and evaluation of protective management practices, among its responsibilities. KRWQC fees currently range from $30 plus $3.44 to $5.58 per irrigated acres compared to $33.45 per irrigated acre plus $17.73 per irrigated acre (> 300 acres) with a minimum fee of $673 for individual enrollment with the Regional Water Board.
The process for joining the KRWQC includes:
KRWQC Member ID is a unique account number utilized for membership identification in order to safeguard personal and/or operational details.